Forums / Gaming (Software and Graphics Cards) / Magnon's Performance

Magnon's Performance

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. teddy
    teddy avatar
    2 posts
    09 Dec 2011
    09 Mar 2012
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    How big is the difference of performance between the Gluon and the Magnon? Initially I am planning to buy a new laptop with gtx570m(budget is not enough for gtx580m, rad6990m is currently not available). But the new line of Magnon is coming soon, should I wait for it or just grab the laptop with gtx570m/rad6970m?
  2. goalken
    goalken avatar
    2 posts
    14 Jul 2020
    14 Jul 2020
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    Your feedback helps me a lot, A very meaningful event, I hope everything will go well run 3
2 posts, 0 answered